Plan Bay Area 2050 is a plan that aims to improve the lives of everyone who lives, works, plays and goes to school in the Bay Area and focuses on the areas of transportation, housing, the environment and the economy.
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) are working to ensure that by 2050, the Bay Area is more affordable, connected, diverse, vibrant and healthy for all!
The plan includes 35 bold strategies that advance equity and resilience in order to guide the Bay Area over the next 30 years for YOU — the next generation! Learn what we are doing NOW to fight the climate crisis, make the Bay more affordable and connected, and ensure there are plenty of education and job opportunities in the future. As you think of what you want the Bay Area to look like in 2050, we want to hear your priorities for the future of the Bay Area!