The Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools program is a coordinated countywide program managed by the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC).
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The Bay Area has been a national leader in Safe Routes to School programs since 2000, when Marin County received one of the nation’s first pilot study grants from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In 2005, Congress established a national Safe Routes to School program, and the State of California also began its own program.
Safe Routes to School programs help achieve the region’s climate change goals required under California’s Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 (Senate Bill 375). Through the Climate Initiatives Program, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) established a Bay Area Safe Routes to School Program and distributed funding to the nine counties according to their school enrollment. Several counties have supplemented this funding with regional gas taxes or vehicle registration fees, while other cities and counties have received support from the statewide California Active Transportation Program.
The Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools program is a coordinated countywide program managed by the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC).
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511 Contra Costa’s Safe Routes to School implements countywide and local programs. You can find the following programs in Contra Costa County:
Marin County Safe Routes to School is one of the first Safe Routes to School programs in the country. Find them on Facebook. You can find the following programs in Marin County:
Each program is administered and funded by the Transportation Authority of Marin.
The Napa Safe Routes to School program is administered by the Napa County Department of Education.
San Francisco Safe Routes to School is implemented by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA), along with engineering improvements, crossing a guard program, and Free MUNI for youth.
Safe Routes to School San Mateo County is a countywide program offered by the San Mateo County Office of Education. You can also find the following programs in San Mateo county:
The Safe Routes to School Program in Santa Clara County is led by Traffic Safe Communities Network and the Santa Clara County Public Health Department and supported by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). You can find the following programs in Santa Clara County:
Solano County Safe Routes to School is administered by the Solano Transportation Authority (STA).
The Sonoma County Safe Routes to School program is sponsored by the Sonoma County Department of Public Health. You can also find the following program in Sonoma County: