Submitted by stayadmin on Mon, 11/11/2019 - 20:14

Watch videos below to learn how students and organizations are using events and programs to encourage sustainable transportation and improve their commute.

Partner Videos

Active and Green Transportation - shows the costs of driving an automobile and benefits of using non-motorized transportation.

Marin County Safe Routes to School Bike To School - shows what happens when a group gets together to bike to school with assistance from the Fairfax Fire Department.

Street Smarts San Ramon Valley Be Reel Video Contest - an annual contest for middle school students to teach them how to cross the street safely.

San Francisco Walks to School - a video from StreetFilm about the first National Walk to School Day that includes interviews from local leaders and provides an overview of the Safe Routes to School program in San Francisco.

TGC Action Sports stunt team - shows the team performing tricks at Walnut Creek Intermediate School as part of Peace on the Streets RideOn!, hosted by 511 Contra Costa.

Beauty and the Bike - a movie that explores the reasons why girls stop cycling in the U.K. when they reach their teen years. Includes an exchange with peers in Bremen (Germany), where many girls bicycle.

Safe Routes to School from San Mateo County - features the benefits and activities of their Safe Routes to School program.

Check out the Education & Encouragement Videos Guidebook for more on how to use videos and video production to empower youth to walk, bike, carpool and take transit.


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